Saturday, 11 September 2010

Personal Statement

So I saw my referee twice this week, she says that my PS is 'getting there' LOL.
I'm going to see her tomorrow with what will hopefully be the final version of my PS :)
Wish me luck.
However i'm a bit sad because my friend got a certain score in UKCAT which is way above average, but may not cut it with unis like Kings, which is where she wants to go.
But she doesn't mind taking a gap year.

peace out xxx

Sunday, 5 September 2010


I have a maths test tomorrow :)...wait a min.. i mean :(
( i do love maths though) I've only been at school 2 days (in reality 1.5 days!!!)
I also have an internal chemistry test to revise for, and also a chemistry assessment that counts towards my final A-level!! eeeek!
I'm down from the high of getting good results and a good UKCAT, and have decided my uni's mostly.

Cambridge, UCL(Imperial if UCL's no January module gets in my way), Kings and, Barts and the London.
I'm not really telling my friends because I swear some of them are out to see me fail.
I will get into medicine. It's what I want to do with my life :)