Saturday, 29 September 2012

End of the first week of term

Hey guys,
So I've made it to the first week of term.
Right after I finish writing this post I'm going to go over the week's lectures and plan some tuition for my job and stuff.
The whole no dating thing is very liberating I find, but why is it that when I take a decision like this, guys seem to crawl out of the woodwork?
It was my flatmate's birthday during the week so I've basically been eating crap! But I'm back on the healthy eating flex today haha.
I'm tutoring two students tomorrow and one of them during the week so I feel a bit thinly spread this week haha. But I can do it!

That reminds me, I need to cook some food for this week so I don't have to buy out.

So what have we been learning about this week?

Well it's been the first week of the module 'muscles and movement' so mainly about the structure of muscles, the histology of articular surfaces, rhythmic movements of walking and running, and some anatomy, particularly of the shoulder and axilla. We have the relevant anatomy sessions next week so I'm excited to be back in my white coat.

I haven't been going out as much...mostly because i'm poor and and can't be bothered.....
Well...more time for work isn't it? :P

Talk to you guys later!
Peace out..

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Bits and Bobs

I'm packing more stuff to move into my flat, need to buy food..ugghhhh

I also need to record the different parts of the songs I want to do for VOCE..that rehearsal is approaching fast.

It's ironic that on the day after I decide that I'm not dating this academic year, two guys try to approach me. I wasn't fazed by the temptation though :)

I had a visit from my ex today; he wants me to accompany him to an awards ceremony next week and I said I'd go. Kind of excited to dress up lol. I also told him about my decision to not date during this year. He was all for it (superficially at least!)

I'm apprehensive, but excited to see what the year will bring. I know I have a few loose ends to tie up, I want to strengthen myself inwardly and find peace with my spirit or God or someone lol! I want to strengthen my friendships because friends are there for life. I want to be the best person I can be, before even thinking about looking for someone else.

I can do it.....

I have to.

Friday, 21 September 2012

So I'm back after the long summer...

2nd year is upon us.

I have my first lecture next wednesday, but not before leading the gospel choir rehearsal on Monday.
I often ask myself why I took the role of choir co-ordinator, but with the support of my fellow committee members, I will hopefully be OK.

Over the summer I have had time to think about certain things. Namely my relationship (if any) with God and my interaction with males.

First let's talk about the males; I feel like I attract a bad breed of guys (not my ex, he was a good'un) and I don't know if that says something about me, or not. I am tired of going from date to date trying to find that one magical relationships that will make everything better..that's not how it works in real life.
So I have decided: no dating until the end of second year. Not only will I be able to find myself, but I will have fewer distractions during the year so I can focus on what is important right now.

Which leads me onto my's hanging on by a string. I want to find God again..but I don't know that my faith is strong enough. I'm praying..but to whom? Hopefully God can hear me...I know some people will question why I'm even choir co-ordinator of a gospel choir, but the reason for that is that I love singing, and I love helping others to express their faith and love for singing too.

I have just about moved into my new flat with my lovely fellow medics Dulagy and Raeesa.
We'll be all settled in by the weekend.
Speaking of the weekend I will get my 'medic child' on Sunday as part of 'Mums and Dads' (a buddy system we do in our medical school).

I will surely update you guys on that.
For any one that follows me..I appreciate it, and I will write more entries as the year rolls on :)